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Join us in Tanzania, Kenya & Namibia

In Tansania gibt es in allen Gebieten Millionen von Plastikflaschen, die wir mit Hilfe der örtlichen Bevölkerung sammeln wollen.

Die Küstenlinie von Namibia bis Kapstadt ist ideal für die Anpflanzung von Seetangwäldern. Wir haben bereits einige Gewächshäuser für den Anbau von Seetang errichtet. Für die Massen Anpflanzung werden wir Hunderten Leuten eine Beschäftigung gegen können. Für unzugängliche Gebiete verwenden wir unsere Schwergewicht-Drohnen und Schiffs Roboter. 

Für das Ocean Farming der Zukunft unsere illuminierten Spähren




We focus on major Problems

1 Plastic Pollution

2 Deforestation

3 Food shortage

4 Water Scarcity


And we support the fight against climate change whenever we can  - today with Giga Kelp Projects

Source:  Pexel

Tanzania - a case study

Due to the construction of one of the largest PET plastic factories in Tanzania and the fact that there is no deposit on PET bottles, there are now millions of plastic bottles in the country, in the rivers and on the beaches. We want to reach the goal of 10’000 tons in 2027. The margin would be around ½ a million Euro, investments included. Our 1st Hub is in Pangani. Overall the potential for us are about 40’000 tons or 2 Mio US dollars of profit, taking also the other NGO’s into account.

A PET bottle with 1.5 liters weighs approx. 45 grams. This means that around 20,000 bottles are needed for one ton.

A worker can collect around 500 bottles a day, depending on how many he finds in one place

For an annual target of 10,000 tons, 2,000 workers are required with a workload of 200 days per year. 


Source:  Ocean Quest Int. AG

Ocean Quest - Introduction

Ocean Quest - Introduction


Source:  Pexel

Kelp Forests - from Namibia to South Africa, Melbourne and South America

We estimate a total coastline of about 2000 miles from Cape Town until Skeleton Coast in Namibia. By studying the topology of the seabed, the temperature and the currencies, around 197 miles can be used for planting new kelp, at least, beside the existing ones ….

Assuming, that we start with a stripe of just one mile in width, 10’000 or more kelp can be planted per square mile. Overall, this sums up to 1’97 Mio kelp plants.

A Kelp plant of 45 meters (after few years) can absorb to about 0.6 – 0.8 ton of CO2 per year. And Kelp is growing very fast, up to 0.4 meters a day. Hence, seaweed biomass carbon's final carbon emission factor is 0.7933 (2/3 + 1/3 × 0.38 = 0.7933).


Underwater Green House 

For mass plantation of kelp forests, sea grass and algae, we will need Giga Ocean Farms in future, which can operate in depths up to 110  meters or more, which was not possible in the past. Our new Spheres have a diameter from 4 to 8 meters today – and up to 12 meters tomorrow. They can be filled partly with air, and can be used to grow beside Kelp any kind of algae and also Corrals. Even first tests with salad and vegetable were successful up to a depths of 40 meters. The sphere is illuminated and can be lifted and lowered autonomously like a submarine with an air tank – to the depths with the optimum temperature. This means that we are independent of the topology of the seabed near the coast.  Beside conical shaped hexagons, we test diamond structures. Our vision next 15 years is to set-up also Ocean Villages with human habitats. We have a small, new R&D unit for sea water desalination apparatus with oxygen extraction and  a micro flow power plant or micro tidal power plants to generate energy and light.

Source:  Japanese Architect & Designer


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