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Only 0.5% of all plastic in the oceans is on the surface. Most of them on inaccessible coasts, depths of up to 300 meters and in the blue of the oceans...
In Goa we use both classic, available technology - such as our ROVs and drones - to the state-of-the-art hybrid drone from Nautilus 2.0
coastal areas
In the area of coastal areas and estuaries, it is all about pragmatic solutions, which can recover the largest possible volume of plastic, garbage and rubbish in a short time.
For example, it makes no sense for robots to be used first and foremost in regions such as Africa, Far East Asia and Latin America if the many unemployed people in these countries can be given new job prospects as an alternative. Ideally, thousands can be helped to earn an income in this way. For inaccessible areas, special ships and networks are still required, which can then also be controlled remotely or, similar to our underwater vehicles, operated autonomously with AI.
Various barriers with nets, which can be moved hydraulically so as not to impede navigation, will be necessary for the river mouths.